Cheese Lovers Day – Smile and say “Cheese!”

Today is ‘Cheese Lovers Day’ so smile and say “Cheese!”Cheese

Cheese, milk and other dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D which help promote healthy teeth and bones, reducing the risk for tooth loss – but did you know eating cheese may also help to prevent acid erosion and tooth decay?

Cheese contains alkali, which helps to neutralise harmful acids caused by eating sugary or acidic foods and drinks. Eating cheese also increases saliva flow – saliva contains natural mineral salts which neutralise acids, allowing tooth surfaces to remineralise and harden, repairing the damage.

Cheddar cheese is best, because it contains the highest levels of alkali – soft cheese like brie or feta won’t have much of an effect. It doesn’t need to be a big chunk either – just eating a small piece after your meal is a good way to improve the health of your teeth quickly and easily, without having to leave the dinner table.

Of course eating cheese is no substitute for good brushing and a healthy diet but, as an aid, it can help to repair the damage caused by eating and drinking.

If you’d like to find out more about a healthy diet for healthy teeth, please click the following link –
