No Smoking Day – 12 March 2025

Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer.

One of the effects of smoking is staining on the teeth due to the nicotine and tar in the tobacco. It can make your teeth yellow in a very short time, and heavy smokers often complain that their teeth are almost brown after years of smoking.

People who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque, which leads to gum disease. The gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don’t heal. Smoking causes people to have more dental plaque and causes gum disease to get worse more quickly than in non-smokers. Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.

Most people know that smoking can cause lung and throat cancer, but many people still don’t know that it is one of the main causes of mouth cancer too. Every year thousands of people die from mouth cancer brought on by smoking.

It’s never too late to quit and it’s easier to stop smoking with the right support.  Visit for further advice.

#NoSmokingDay2025 #QuitSmoking #QuitForGood #SmokeFreeLife #BreatheEasy #HealthFirst #OralHealth #MouthCancer #GumDisease

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